Sunday, December 02, 2007

i don't care..and i feel so refereshed

well yesterday was a downfall for me. i felt like pooh! good news i feel way better now.
After the church service, even though the topic had nothing to do with stuff that i was feeling bumbed about, i felt very relieved and peaceful! I know that God will take care of this thing with nick and when he does I will be very thankful for whatever his plan is.
Plus my laptop is working! yahoo!! thank you Jesus! there's no way i could afford to fix it if it didn't work.
I'm still praying for that job so here's my prayer for today.

Dear God,
Thank you sooo soo so much for all the blessings you have given me, Lord God, and I think you that you're a part of my life. God, I just pray that you help me with the things I'm still struggling with, swearing, using you name in vain, gossiping, lying, and so much more Lord, I pray for your forgiveness in that area and I pray that you give me the strength to turn away. Lord, I also pray that you help with love others. I'm so terrible and showing love towards people when I first meet people... I often dislike people until they give me a reason to like them Lord, and I don't want it to be like that. God, I want to love them at first chance, God.
God I just pray now as well for this situation at the school, Lord, I just want that job so much, and God, they've made it clear that they want me there too. God, I just pray that it doesn't change and that they don't go back on what they said, and they my hopes aren't shot down, Lord. Please, God, just place me in that school permanently.
God I want to lift up the church. Lord, as we just elected new elders I pray that they seek you and that you steer the church through them Lord, and that we as a congregation can encourage and support them. Lord, I just pray you be with them in all their decisions.
God, I pray for Josh, Kiel, Erin and Mel as they travel home Lord God. I pray that you protect them and keep them safe on their road Lord God. And that you just continue to be in the hearts and minds as they return home to share new and exiting things with our youth, Lord, I pray for the youth. God I pray for you just to reveal yourself in huge ways Lord. Lord open these youth's eyes to you like they've never seen before Lord God. And Lord just open their hearts so they they can be closer to you God. God I just thank you so much again for the blessings that you've given Lord. You have given so much Lord. And as you continue to show yourself God, I just pray that I don't get caught up with pointless things God and that I am able to stay thankful and continue to praise and worship you for your Goodness and love.

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