Thursday, April 24, 2008

pretty bored...

So I'm not very good at keeping this thing lively and update, but thats okay cus no one actually ever reads this so I'm pretty much just talking to myself.
There's not a whole lot new. my laptop kicked the bucket and it was not worth the money I would have had to spent to get it fixed so I am writing from a brand spanking new desktop computer that I bought from best buy for SUPER cheap.
Hmm what else?
Tomorrow me and mommy are leaving for the weekend for a weekend extravaganza of shopping and chilling in the big city of Grandforks, North Dakota!!!! I'm actually uber exciting cus it'll be like a little mini vacation before my big one ya know.
Next wekend (May2-4) is YCMB so that'll be fun too. I'll be volunteering there again! YAY!
Then it's just 78 more days until I make my way to INdy for a summer full of sevice and Jesus and great times! I'm exciting and cannot wait!!

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