Thursday, June 09, 2005

Anxiety grips its hands around my neck

Well My mind is just going crazy right now. I'm probably going to have a long over due anxiety attack soon. Today is thursday the 9th. Tomorrow is June 10. friday. I have an essay due on Monday that i haven't started yet, then my exams start on friday. I have on on the friday, then2 the next monday then I'm done. I can't believe the year is over. I can't believe I'm in grade 11 and next year is my next year of high school. It just seems so strange to me and I feel so lost. It feels like there's this merry go round and theres this hole in the middle of it and I'm standing it. everything is just zooming by so fast and I can't jump on. I can't seem to fix that either.
Maybe it has to do with the situation with my friends. One of them seems to have different favorites that they focus on and make the others feel left out. I don't know what to do with that because it's impossible to talk to them about it.

I'm not really knowing what to expect what is going to happen this summer. With camp. with certain people going to counsell. It's just going to be a very weird situation that is going to be interesting to see how the whole thing pans out. I might be working on the days that I'm home from camp too. I went into work last night after Synrgy to drop a key off for mike. Lori was closing so I took it as a chance to talk to her and make sure it was cool with her because I left a schedual with Natalie who told me that Lori had actually seen it. But turns out that Natalie might have lied to me because when I went to talk to Lori about it, she said she had not seen it and it was on the bottom of a pile of papers on her desk. I'm just mad because it could have put me in a REALLY bad situation if I hadn't gone to talk to her and she never saw it before the time had come for me to leave. Not good at all. Its all worked out though so I'm thankful that I thought to go talk to her.

I really really really miss Robbie. It feels like forever since I've talked to him, yet it feels lke just yesturdya that I got home from the missions trip where I met him. Oy I doubt that makes any sense.

I feel so woa is me. My birthday is in 20 days but i don't feel loved enough to think that Robbie, or any of my friends besides my family will remember. oh I'm pathetic.
Oh well I'm off to get ready for work

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