Sunday, November 13, 2005


Well today was another day of work and i am so completely tired, normally i'm not this tired at all. But saturday night lori came in and told me that since we open later on sundays someone has to take the little brown puppy home, soi was the one to do so, completely missing becky's birthday party which i really wanted to go to. I got very little sleep because of the horrid matress that i'm forced to sleep on downstairs. Bwah to that. It severally is uncormfortable and i think it's giving me back problems.
But oh wait maybe i'm wrong
Today i open, and since we must squeegee the water from outta the kennels some where, we must put it on the ground making it INCREDIBLY slippery. So i refrained from falling for most of my shift, but then right when the store was about to open bam i slip and fall. causing me great amounts of back pain and pain in general.i laid htere for 5 minutes almost in tears. it really hurt. my back is still in pain.
Once again i have the puppy since no one is at the store for 12 hrs. it's currently sleeping while i'm typing. I'll take her back at 1 when i work once again.
I CAN'T wait til wednesday petland girls are going shopping
I also can't wait for the christmas party which is now in 6 days. it shall be fun oh yes it shall be fun.

On a side note: I'm sick of people saying they're available to me, if i wanted to talk to you about something i would. I emailed someone but nothing came of it, no talking to that person, no that person even acknowledging that i emailed them, so i'm sick of caring and trying.

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