Tuesday, September 27, 2005

it has begun!!!!

ah mortal combatt aha

anyways yeah it has started.my mental break down that is.... speaking of which i ought to inform you that it's no longer called a mental break down, now it's a depressive episode....in here it is.. a depressive episode... i welcome it with open arms. please be aware tat this is going to be a giant rant... you don't want to read one.... leave now.Anyways so sunday at work many things happened. I discovered that i had a whopping 2 shifts. saturday and sunday. Does anyone else recall me asking lori for more than that about a million times? I sure as hell do.

Anyways...So then we also wrote a note ( because of advice for our assisant manager to lori stating how we think we need 1 head kennel tech) turns out it's none of our buisness. then she went off about how we were too concerened about that because the schematics weren't done.. luckily natalie said it was based on her advice and how we did it on our own time.. according to natalie i'm not going to be bitched at.

Anyways back to the shifts... very fed up. I was so upset that i actually cried at work, which i have NEVER done. EVER before. So, that was different natalie told me she'd talk to lori. She did last night i went back in. according to lori there's nothing that can be done about it unless i want to take cash shifts. The reason i'm in the back is because I HATE cash shifts. Meanwhile jamie who is on the floor has equal kennel shifts to me... i'm sure there's a certain way for the shifts to be arranged that can land me more shifts plus give people equal shifts. Fucking hell i'm pissed off right now about that. Its just one more thing on the listof stuff. So of course when she told me all that stuff about nothing can be done. i started to cry again.... wow it's only the beginning.. I don't even care anymore. I'm so pissed off and it such a bitchy mood i don't care about jack all at all.

I miss him.. I wish he'd come online....

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